Rink Rental

Outdoor & Indoor Rentals


Inline Hockey

Our outdoor/indoor roller rink can be used in many outdoor applications.

Roller Hockey has quickly grown in appeal throughout the world over the past several years, and the demand for fast, durable, roller hockey surfacing has grown with it.

Our roller rinks have been greatly fortified over traditional roller surfaces with tremendous attention to the industries performance needs. Our outdoor/indoor roller rink tiles provide the ultimate surface for inline hockey. The tile was constructed to endure harsh weather environments, while maintaining remarkable playability and safety.


Portable Roller-Skating Rinks

Our roller rink floor is specifically created for skating. Our locking system and profile provide a smooth skating surface which feels effortless when roller skating. We can use this surface anytime, anywhere and in any weather due to its absorption of excess water. Another feature of our roller floor is the elimination of expansion and contraction problems during different weather environments. 

Product Benifits
  • Heavy Gauge Surface Structure
  • Reduced Noise
  • Perfect Tight Connectors
  • No Wax Finish
  • Low maintenance cost
  • Highest Performance-to-Price ratio in its class

Multi-Sport Game Courts

Not only is our roller rink floor perfect for the above applications, but it is a fantastic multi-sport surface. Our multi-sport game court includes, but is not limited to Basketball, Badminton, Volleyball, Tennis, Roller Hockey, and Multi-Game.

Custom Roller-Skating Rinks

At All Year Sports Galaxy, we use the best quality surface to design your custom roller rinks. Our custom rinks are perfect for any organization or event, as we are able to create custom color roller skating floor, add custom logos, designs, colors and shapes. We can customize the rink’s shape, size, and fencing/railing around the rink area. We can also brand perimeter fencing and make custom skate laces. 

For information about rentals or sales of any of the above courts and rinks –  please contact us.